Who among us does not use social networking sites on the Internet, everyone uses them, whether it is Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram or other social networking sites. Some of us share their diaries, and some of us use these sites in order to communicate with loved ones from family and friends, and some of us also use these sites in order to work on the Internet or to spend at work a certain need, but far from all these sites and applications, today we are talking about the Telegram application , which is one of the most famous social networking applications on the Internet because of its awesome capabilities and features, and today we will talk about a beautiful feature available within the modified versions of the Telegram that we have previously explained and published to you, but before we start with the main article, we must define what is Telegram for people who do not know what Telegram is.
For those who don't know what Telegram is:
Telegram is a messaging program that cares about speed and privacy, super fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — and your messages will sync seamlessly across an unlimited number of devices including mobile devices, tablets or computers. Telegram has more than 500 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos, and files of all kinds (doc, zip, mp3, etc.) with the ability to create groups that can have up to 200,000 members or channels through which you can spread content to an unlimited audience. You can also message your contacts and find people by their usernames. Telegram is a program that integrates SMS and email messages — and fulfills all the requirements for personal and business correspondence. In addition to all of this, we support end-to-end encrypted audio and video calls, and voice chats in groups capable of accommodating a few thousand participants.
How can I change the voice of the fingerprint or the audio clips sent to other people on Telegram?
If you are looking for an answer to the above question, then you are in the right place dear reader, today we will talk about a distinctive way to change the sound of the audio clips sent to other people within the Telegram platform, but first of all we must tell you that there are several ways to change the sound in the voice messages sent within the Telegram , Such as:
- Change the sound of voice messages sent using bots.
- And the way to change the sound of voice messages sent using the modified Telegram versions by other people.
Today we will talk about how to change the voice of fingerprints within the Telegram by copying the modified Telegram, which we have previously published on our website.
The steps that you must follow in order to change the sound of audio clips within Telegram, are:
- First of all, dear reader, you must download the modified version of the Telegram application, which is the version of Turbotil or Turbokram by clicking here, in order to be transferred to the article for downloading this version.
- After you download the copy and open your account inside it simply and easily, you go to the conversation in which you want to send the audio clips.
- When entering the private conversation, group, or any other place within the Telegram where you want to send messages, you click on the three dots at the top right of the screen (at the top of the conversation on the right), and then among these commands you choose the voice change command.
- Then, several new commands will appear for the sounds available within the copy, which can be used and the sound can be changed to them.
- You can speed up your speech or make it slow or you can change it to a robot or an unknown stranger and other sounds that you can choose through the list of sounds available within this version.
And when you follow these steps mentioned above, you will change the voice in the voice messages sent to other people as you like and with the voice that you choose yourself.
Download the version used in the explanation of this article?
To access the article explaining the download of the version used in the explanation, click here.