After the number of Telegram users exceeded 700 million active users and introduced Telegram Premium to users, which allows anyone to support the development of Telegram and access additional exclusive features, here is the application is back again with a new update and new features launched by the Telegram application that appeared for both users of the free version of the service and for Premium subscribers On August 12 this year.
Premium subscribers of the Telegram application will find a new platform to create emojis for use in messages and others, as well as the ability to prevent sending audio and video messages. In addition, users can gift Premium subscriptions, according to the application management, to other subscribers on the Telegram platform and with different subscriptions.
Custom emoji packs
Telegram had the ability to upload your own sets of emojis, but users of the free version of the service only have access to the tokens and can send to 'favourites', while only premium subscribers have the ability to post them in chats and channels. Everyone can see it, and the group now contains 10 additional groups with 500 animated emoji, and the number will continue to grow, according to what Telegram said that more is coming in upcoming updates.
All users - subscribed or not - can use any of the animated emojis in the saved message conversation to give it a try, or to add an artistic touch to notes and reminders.
The messaging interface has been simplified somewhat, as now when you start typing, the sticker panel button is replaced as unnecessary by the emoji select button. When you enter hints, for example, "Laughter" or "Smile" options appear from all the available combinations.
Interactive Emoji
Lots of custom emojis with interactive effects when sent in private conversations between two parties. Any user can click on it to trigger simultaneous effects that fill the screen.
A new panel of stickers, GIFs, and emojis on iOS
The Sticker Panel on iOS gets a new look with separate tabs for stickers, GIFs, and emojis, just as it does on Android, desktop, and web apps.
On all apps GIFs section now contains thousands of high quality GIFs from your favorite movies and shows; Thanks to the entries from the latest contest.
Privacy settings for voice messages
And Telegram decided to please its Premium subscribers with another option. They can open the privacy settings and block sending audio and video messages to themselves, choosing exactly who can do it: everyone, people from the contact list, or absolutely no one, and you can also add exceptions, for those who will always be able to send messages in alternative formats.
If someone picks a bad time for voice communication; You can always convert his voice message to text.
To modify this setting; Please go to Settings, then Privacy and Security, then Voice Messages.
A special telegram gift
Premium subscribers can now gift a paid subscription to other users by prepaying for 3, 6 or 12 months. And in this case, there is also a discount, where you can issue a gift either by opening the corresponding user profile in iOS or Android applications downloaded from official stores, or through the PremiumBot program.