There are many copies of Telegram, but few of them contain awesome features that are made to satisfy the user who is looking for beautiful features to add within his account on the Telegram platform, and because of the large number of modified Telegram copies, it has become difficult for the user to choose and specify the version he wants, but since we are here As we used to before, we remind you of the most beautiful modified versions of Telegram with awesome features inside, and among these copies is our version for today, which is the Telegram Mod version (similar to the version of Ninjagram).
The Telegram Mod version is one of the most popular and most popular modified versions of Telegram, as it contains many awesome features available in other Telegram versions, as well as features that are not available in other versions such as Yemengram, Telegraph, Turbotel and others.
Telegram Mod is a version similar to the Ninjagram version, but with more awesome features, which will provide an awesome service to the user while using this version to browse Telegram.
Say goodbye to the official Telegram, here is the best version of Telegram ever, fantastic features and very great capabilities
Install it and log in and then delete the previous version of the modified Telegram (do not delete the official if you want)
Some features of the Telegram mod version:
- See deleted messages
- See edited messages
- Read the message without the other party knowing (stealth mode)
- Automated reply
- Hide phone number
- Translate messages integrated into the application
- The ability to log in to the bot
- Text decoration built into the app
- Split conversations into groups, channels, people, and bots
- Go to a specific date in the conversation
- The ability to change the voice during conversation
- The ability to take a screenshot of any channel, secret chat and temporary messages
- Download content to the device from any channel
- vpn activation
- The ability to change the font
Links to download the Telegram Mod version (similar to Ninjagram):
Download a copy from the file upload site
Download a copy from Mediafire
Download the copy from within the telegram
Download a copy from the link shortening site