Telegram and the new update, Telegram, as usual, adds awesome features within the platform that make everyone amazed because of its importance and splendor in use. Telegram recently added a new definition to the platform, and the most important thing in this update is the groups and topics within the group. View and use...
Before we start with the details, you should know what Telegram is.
What is Telegram ?
Telegram is a messaging program that cares about speed and privacy, super fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — and your messages will sync seamlessly across an unlimited number of devices including mobile devices, tablets or computers. Telegram has more than 500 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos, and files of all kinds (doc, zip, mp3, etc.) with the ability to create groups that can have up to 200,000 members or channels through which you can spread content to an unlimited audience. You can also message your contacts and find people by their usernames. Telegram is a program that integrates SMS and email — and fulfills all the requirements for personal and business correspondence. In addition to all of this, we support end-to-end encrypted audio and video calls, and voice chats in groups capable of accommodating a few thousand participants.
How to divide Telegram groups into different topics for ease of use
Topics in groups
In the new update, Telegram groups support huge communities with hundreds of thousands of users. To keep these conversations easy to read; Groups of more than 200 members can now activate topics and create separate sections for any topic they want to talk about.
Topics work like a separate conversation within a group, and support their own shared media and notification settings. Members are free to discuss any topic; From cartoons to biology and more, taking advantage of all their favorite Telegram features such as: polls, pinned messages, bots and much more inside Telegram.
This feature is specially designed for large groups; Adds a new way to personalize conversations and enhance discussions. later this year; We expect to offer a wide variety of tools, specially designed for small groups. If you want to get an idea of the topics; You can try it out in this public group.
- Group admins can enable topics from their group settings, and can control who is allowed to create and manage topics from the Permissions section.
As with anything on Telegram; Upcoming updates will bring more powerful tools for both administrators and users of this feature within the platform.