Who among us does not want to save content from within the channels on the Telegram platform, we all today inevitably use this platform, whether at work, communicating with relatives and friends, or even for education purposes. But we are surprised that there are some channels whose content we love and want to save on our phone, or we want to share this content in our other channels or groups of friends within the Telegram. We are surprised that we cannot transfer content and transfer it from this channel to the other channel, which prevents us from sharing the post in The channel is inside the Telegram, and this is why many people have searched for available ways through which to transfer and save the restricted content within the Telegram channels, and this is what we will talk and talk about today in this article.
How to save files and transfer restricted posts within Telegram channels
We have previously published several methods of how to save restricted content within Telegram channels using modified Telegram versions and using the usual method, as well as using bots that iPhone owners can use to save restricted content within Telegram.
Save restricted content using bots. (for Android and iPhone)
Today, we will mention to you a new modified version of Telegram, through which you can save the restricted content within the Telegram channels, and this version we have previously published to you, which bears the name Telegram Mode or Telegram Plus Plus. This version is one of the most beautiful and powerful modified versions of Telegram, as it contains a large number of awesome features within it that are not present in the official or basic Telegram.
And this version is very similar to the modified version of Ninjakram, which we previously published to you as well within our channels and websites on the Internet.
How to save restricted content on Telegram
Simply to save the restricted content on Telegram or share it within the platform itself, you can use the modified version of Telegram Mode, which you find its download links at the end of this article, after installing the version and activating it, you enter the restricted channel simply, you will notice that you can do all the actions that you do in the channels Unrestricted to Telegram.
Full explanation on youtube
Download a version of Telegram Mod or Telegram Plus Plus
To access the instructions for downloading the Telegram Mod version (click here)